2024 Registration is open!, News (Londesborough Minor Baseball)

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Jan 22, 2024 | Sarah Bolinger | 1780 views
2024 Registration is open!

Hi Everyone!

Though we have just had a blast of winter, we are getting ready for 2024 ball season!!

As some of you will have noticed, we have a brand new fence at the diamond, and our booth is finished and ready for a great year. We owe a huge thank you to the Municipality of Central Huron, Londesboro Lions, and all of our Legends members who have helped make this all possible! Your support is appreciated, and we will be sure to enjoy it all for years to come.

Registration is Open for the 2024 Season!
The season is May - August, T-Ball runs June - July, nights and times TBD.
Click here to go to our website and register: https://londesborominorball.com/Forms/1336/2024_Registration/

Payments will be done via E-transfer and are due APRIL 1 once teams have been confirmed.  Payment details for e-transfers will come at a later date.
2024 Fee Schedule
T-Ball - $50
U7 - $75
U9 - $85
U11 - $95
U13 - $100
U15 - $110
U17 - $110
U21 - $110

 We hope we have lots of registrants so we can keep that ball diamond busy with lots of great ball games!  We of course are always in need of assistance, so if you are able to Coach, or Assist in any way, please reach out to our Executive, or fill out the forms on our website. We appreciate it!

As always, if you have any questions, please email registration@londesborominorball.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Thank you Legends!!

Londesboro Lions
The Londesboro & District Lions Club meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month Social : 6:30 PM Supper 7:00 PM Sharp at the Londesboro Community Hall.
Timbits Softabll
Timbits Softball is a revolutionary way of introducing the sport of Softball to children. Activities are included which foster the involvement of ALL players, including players with high and low skill levels. The child will experience excitement, enjoyment and success. Activities and lead-up games are patterned after informal playground games that promise an hour of FUN and LOTS OF ACTION. Participants will go home at the end of the day happy and tired while improving their fitness level.