U9 Tournament, News (Londesborough Minor Baseball)

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May 05, 2022 | Sarah Bolinger | 620 views
U9 Tournament
Londesboro Minor Ball is excited to host a U9 tournament this June 


Londesboro Lions
The Londesboro & District Lions Club meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month Social : 6:30 PM Supper 7:00 PM Sharp at the Londesboro Community Hall.
Timbits Softabll
Timbits Softball is a revolutionary way of introducing the sport of Softball to children. Activities are included which foster the involvement of ALL players, including players with high and low skill levels. The child will experience excitement, enjoyment and success. Activities and lead-up games are patterned after informal playground games that promise an hour of FUN and LOTS OF ACTION. Participants will go home at the end of the day happy and tired while improving their fitness level.