2022 Season information, News (Londesborough Minor Baseball)

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Apr 21, 2022 | website | 896 views
2022 Season information
Hello Legends, 
Welcome to the 2022 season, here is some information and reminders for our upcoming season.  The team lists have been sent to coaches so you should be hearing from your coaches shortly.  A reminder that all players need to provide their own helmet.  Londesborough has some older helmets that we will give to anyone who needs a helmet, please let us know if you'd like one and we'll make arrangements to get it to you.  

All payments are due at your first practice (either indoor or outdoor).  A member of the executive will be at the practice to collect your fees.  We are accepting cash or cheque made out to Londesborough Minor Ball, please see below for the fees owed.  
T-Ball $40 
U7 $70
U9 $80
U11 $90
U13 $100
U17 $110
We are also looking into hosting a pitching clinic, in early May, for all current pitchers and anyone interested in trying out pitching, stay tuned for more information.
Londesborough is looking for more umpires.  Umpires need to be at least 1 year older than the age group they are umpiring.  This could be a great summer job for many of our players.  The contact information is posted on our website for those interested.  We'd also like to take this time to remind all our families and spectators this season that umpiring can be a tough job and finding umpires is proving challenging for all centers.  Positive interactions on the ballfield are going to keep our young umpires excited about coming back.  We realize everyone can get passionate about the game but please remember to be respectful to the officials on the field.  Please reach out if you have any questions
looking forward to a great season!
Londesborough Minor Ball Executive    
Londesboro Lions
The Londesboro & District Lions Club meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month Social : 6:30 PM Supper 7:00 PM Sharp at the Londesboro Community Hall.
Timbits Softabll
Timbits Softball is a revolutionary way of introducing the sport of Softball to children. Activities are included which foster the involvement of ALL players, including players with high and low skill levels. The child will experience excitement, enjoyment and success. Activities and lead-up games are patterned after informal playground games that promise an hour of FUN and LOTS OF ACTION. Participants will go home at the end of the day happy and tired while improving their fitness level.