Looking for Umpires, News (Londesborough Minor Baseball)

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Apr 18, 2022 | website | 592 views
Looking for Umpires
Looking for a summer job?
Do you like to be outdoors? Do you enjoy sports? Are you a leader who understands fairplay?

Londesboro Minor Ball is looking for umpires for house league and tournament play for the 2022 Baseball Season starting in May and ending in August. Pay ranges from $30 to $50 per game depending on age level – additional incentives available based on number of games umpired. 

Games are mainly played in Londesboro Monday to Thursday after 6 p.m. with approximately 70 games in the season.
Successful candidates will develop their skills in decision making, interpersonal relationships, communication, creating a fun environment for youth, time management and fairness. You must be at least 1 year older than the age group you are umpiring.

For more information contact [email protected] or [email protected] or call Melissa Boven at 519-525-1094
Candidates must be carded by Softball Ontario. Softball Ontario Umpire Clinics are already under way and can be found at https://softballontario.ca/umpire/
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