Jun 11, 2020 | website | 1662 views
2020 Ball Seasaon
Hello Members:
Londesboro Minor Ball has made the difficult decision to cancel our 2020 ball season. With restrictions still in place, the uncertainty of when restrictions will lift, insurance issues, lack of clear return to play protocol, a shortened season, and the cancellation of many of our other local teams, we feel that we will not be able to organize a successful season for our teams.
Our treasurer will be reaching out to issue 100% refunds for those registered. More information on refunds will follow in the coming weeks, via email to those registered. Please be patient as we sort through the refund process.
We are disappointed to make this announcement, wish everyone a wonderful summer and look forward to a new season next year!
Stay safe!
Go Legends!
Thank you
Londesboro Minor Ball Executive